Building in Colour KAL Course
Join us for the Building in Colour course. This course is divided into two sessions, part 1 & 2.
Every pattern in Building in Colour will add to your knitting education as you learn to expertly knit with multiple colours. Each pattern in Building in Colour creates a lovely panel that is assembled into a colourful blanket - your own cuddly work of art!
For more information click here:
Building Blocks KAL Course
Improve your knitting skills one square at a time!
Building Blocks KAL Course
Improve your knitting skills one square at a time! A knitting series designed to grow your skills, by Michelle "Knit Purl" Hunter. This course is offered in two, 6 week sessions.
The Building Blocks series is designed to help knitter navigate through the major knitting skills, techniques and principles. Each of the 6 patterns isolates a new skill. In a carefully designed sequential approach, knitters master each technique before moving on to a more advance concept. The techniques are supported by free online video tutorials containing detailed instruction. This structured progression provides a straight path to success!
Is a 6-week course too much of a commitment? Take one workshop at a time! Workshops are priced individually and do not include the workbook.
Learn to Knit & Crochet Classes
All Learn to Knit & Crochet Classes will be held on Saturday mornings from 10 am to 12 pm. Instruction is free with the purchase of a $30 'Learn to' Kit. This kit includes detailed instructions, yarn, needles or hook, and a printed pattern for a beginner project. Number of participants is limited to four for each session. If you wish to sign up for a lesson please email or call 705-740-3881, to schedule your lesson in advance.